New York Nurse News: Health Seminar in Poughkeepsie

Albert Caccarile is having a health seminar in Poughkeepsie, NY on March 24, 2007. The seminar will focus on the latest scientific advancements in the field of complementary alternative medicine. For those of you who are interested the seminar is from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and admission is free. For more information contact Louise Gerard at (845)518-2364 or visit their website by clicking on the picture above.


New York Healthcare Fight

It looks like New York State Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno has weighed in on the healthcare debate. So what side did he weigh in on? According to the Albany Times Union, "he opposes Governor Eliot Spitzer's proposed freeze on the cost-of-living increase for Medicaid payments and extension of the hospital tax." Stay tuned for more on this debate.


2007 Honoree of Jewish-American Hall of Fame: Lillian Wald

I was recently sent an e-mail about Lillian Wald being named the 2007 Jewish-American Hall of Fame honoree. Ms. Wald was a Jewish-American Rochester, New York native who is regarded as the founder of "Visiting Nursing" in the U.S. and Canada. She attended New York Hospital's School of Nursing. According to an article on Nurse.com, Ms. Wald has been referred to as the "Jewish Florence Nightingale." Read more about Ms. Wald and view the limited edition medals featuring Ms. Wald by clicking on the picture to the left.


Police Officer Saved By His Badge

This story is not necessarily medical related, but I thought it should get a mention. A police officer in Queens was attacked last night by a drunk wielding a knife. The drunk stabbed at the officers heart and made contact. Fortunately, over the officer's heart was his police badge which shattered the knife upon contact. The drunk was then subdued and the officer escaped with only a minor cut on his hand. That according to an article in the New York Daily News.