New York Nurse News: Exploited Filipino Nurses

Check out this article on the Exploitation of Filipino Nurses in New York City. The article contains a transcript of Representative Mayong Aguja, an Akbayan member of the Filipino House of Representatives, addressing the Filipino House.

An apt summary of the article is that nurses educated and trained in the Phillipines have been unable to earn a living in the Phillipines. The nurses have taken jobs with international travel nurse agencies promising higher pay, better working conditions and more benefits in the United States (more specifically, New York City). Once the nurses arrived in NYC they were unpleasantly surprised to find things not as they had been promised.

Upon arrival, the nurses were informed that they would be working at facilities other than those originally promised, that health care benefits had been changed (for the worse) and that they would be paid from a third-party (of whom the nurses knew nothing about).


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